Campus Safety » Campus Safety

Campus Safety


Visitor Policies and Procedures

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for its students, The enhanced involvement and assistance of parents, community members, and organization representatives in school programs and activities is greatly valued and appreciated by the staff and students of Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School. All school campus visitors must be informed and must adhere to the laws and school policies of visitors to school campuses, as stated in the California Education Code (Education Code j 44810 (a); j 44811 (a); j 5110, (a): (1), (2), (12) and Board Rules (1265, 2002).


In an effort to maintain school security we are asking all adults, including parents, to enter the school through the school office. It is imperative for the safety of our children and school grounds that we monitor who is on our campus at all times. All other school gates will be closed.

AII Campus Visitors Must:

  • Request an appointment for a visitation
    date and time from the office. Limit visit to 20 minutes
  • Complete and sign the visitor's permit/sign-in Iog and obtain the principal/designee's approval before proceeding to the classroom.
  •  Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom
    observation time.
  • Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
  • Not converse with the students, teacher,
    and/or instructional aides during the
  • Not interfere with any school activity during
    the visitation.
  • Children may not visit classroom(s)
  • Return the visitor's permit to the school
    office before leaving the campus.



In order to provide more security and limit access of adults other than parents to our campus, we are asking parents/guardians to wait for students outside of the blue gate. Our teachers will walk students to the assigned gates and dismiss them from there. If students are staying in intervention, they will be directed to go to their intervention classroom. In the event parents are late picking up students, they need to locate them on the playground. Students will not be allowed to wait in front of the school. Please remember that safety of our children is a priority.


We are always concerned about the safety of your children and request your cooperation on the following practices at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School:

  • Please DO NOT DOUBLE PARK OR CROSS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. Please teach your child to cross at the crosswalk for his/her safety.
  • Pupils and Parents are prohibited from using the staff parking lot as an entrance or exit from school. Parents may not enter the parking lot to pick up or drop off students.


King’s Safety Valet is set up at 7:40 a.m.  Entrance gate will be closed by 8:10 a.m. “Safety Valet Program improves the safety of students who are dropped off for school by providing a more fluid movement of vehicular traffic. The program is designed so parents will not have to park or exit their vehicle when dropping off their children in the morning for school.” Ref-5496.1