21st Century Learners » Library Resources

Library Resources

New! Sora App on SchoologyLAUSD in partnership with Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) provides digital access for recreational reading and free tutoring.  Students and teachers can now check out ebooks and audiobooks by using the Sora app on Schoology. The Sora app is pre-installed on Schoology's App Dropdown menu for all LAUSD users. 
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Visit our library online with links to nearby libraries and other resources, including our District funded LAUSD Digital Library for World Book and Encyclopedia Britannica (English and Spanish versions), reference resources, and other databases (Subscription Sites), plus recommended publicly available sites (Free Sites). Remote FREE access requires login.


LAUSD Digital Library and other educationalresources available via Schoology login

Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL)

Use your Student Success Card to accessLAPL, The Library at Home, to “read books,watch movies and TV shows, take a class, orlearn a language from home”. 


Searching Tips and CybersafetyABC searchingLAUSD Cyber Safety Tips K-5 (video)